Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back To "Norm"al..If You Call That Normal

 My Aunt Kim and I always seem to have these GREAT ideas.  And, these ideas usually seem to somehow include my Mamaw making something.  Lucky for us, Mamaw just moved back from Florida after 10 years of being away from us and our GREAT ideas!  Friday night, Kim and I hit Walmart scouring for items to put together Marcus's Halloween costume (Freddie from Scooby Doo).  We found everything but a wig.  We jumped in the car and headed over to Party City.  We found a Donald Trump wig that we thought would be perfect, but when we pulled it out of the bag, the color was more red than blonde.  Then we saw it, hanging at the top of the rack, a yellow haired wig entitled "70s Housewife."  We had one of the workers pull it down, and we pulled it out of the bag.  The color was perfect, but the cut was so-so.  And then, it was like a light bulb went off above our heads..."We'll just have Mamaw CUT it!"  (Mamaw used to be a hairdresser, so we knew she had the potential :p)  Tonight, when everyone came over for dinner and pumpkin carving, Mamaw brought the wig so she could cut it.  She had the perfect model.............................


We are so glad to have my Mamaw and Norm home.  It has been a long time coming, but it finally feels like our family is "back to normal!"


  1. aww Britt, I LOVE it! and NORM is definatly the perfect model, can't wait to see everyone in thier halloween costumes, make sure to take lots of pics!

  2. WOW, Norm smiling and looking happy.... That is ABnormal ;)
